My Roots
“My Roots” poetically analyses the ways we connect and relate to food. Food, the most basic element of our existence, carves out a common identity and opens dialogues around our ancestry and our heritage - rites of passage, our spirituality, what we become, and what we cease to be. The exhibition consists of an installation, with works by Taina Guedes and a local community, which includes students from Colégio Latino Shiga, in which Guedes' food sculpture is centered as a starting point for an investigation of the elements that constitute Guedes' search for her Japanese roots. The root installation of Guedes is made up of three elements. A root made with lotus roots and paper symbolizes a rebirth, in which a poem written by the artist can be heard. A cloud made from her „Koseki Tohon“ (Japanese family tree) and a tree branch with connecting laces and a „sacred space“ where the artist serves edible art pieces. The compilation of works produced by students of Colégio Latino Shiga during a workshop with the artist intends to study our relationship with „our roots“. The works explore different aspects of the theme, such as Maria C. F. Yoshida, „Where is their home?“, which deals with identity but at the same time the rights of animals and environmental crimes against forests. Rafaela Satiko Komido, explores colors and different painting techniques within the phrase “You are what you eat”. Each of the pieces on display is a unique work, which can also be perceived as a scathing critique of the way we deal with food in our contemporaneity. The interaction between the works and Guedes' work can be seen as an exploration of our mundane existence and its reflections on invisible worlds.

„Food and spirituality are so intertwined that, over time and in different cultures, offerings have been made to honor ancestors, as well as a tool of communication with other worlds. It feels special to me that I can bring this into my art, and while doing so, connect to so many wonderful people. I believe that if we can feel connected and one with each other, if timeline matters, peace can be created“ - Taina Guedes
I am here
I am there
I am invisible
But I am everywhere
I am you
I am in her
I am him
I am with them
I am the beginning
I am the end
I am a piece of all
I am history
I saw all the springs
I felt the hot summers of many years
I admired the autumn leaves dancing… and falling
At every winter, I slept
I was with you at every season
In the past and the future, I will always be with you
I gave you life
I gave you love
I gave you everything I could
Who am I?
I am your root
Tainá Guedes

Artist: Taina Guedes
Art Assistant, exhibition producer, voice (Japanese reading), translation invitation: Yumic Nomura
Students and participating artists: Akira Hashimoto Silva, Alicia Ozaki Martins, André Ochiai Silva, Dudu Hirossi, Fernanda Takada, Giovana Lika Yamaguti, Guilherme Hirai Sooma, Ian Gabriel Ozaki Martins, Isabele Ayumi, Juliana Miyuki Siomi, Kamilly Ayumi Araújo Fujiyama, Maria Eduarda de Queiroz Lima, Maria C. F. Yoshida, Natan Seiji Urataki, Nicole Yoshitake Sá, Rafaela Satiko Komido, Rayssa Makibara, Ryoko Meguro, Rosana Yumi Kage Hatamoto, Sayuri Felisbino Koshimizu, Sayuri Miyagi, Sophia Sato, Sophia Nakamura, Thais Natsumi Shimamura Tanaka, Yumi Gabrielle de Araujo Nishimura, and Yuki Vitoria
Art producer: Ken Nakamori
Translation event text and location producer: Tracey Cui
School coordination: Yone Kami Mura
School direction and logistic: Caio Kami Mura
Teacher/ school producer: Paula Akiyama
Great gratitude to my family, Gustavo Guimaraes, Niji, Ryo, Umic Nomura, Tracey Cui, Yohei Tanaka, Yuki Nishikawa, Minako Oga, Ken Nakamori, Leonardo Filho, all students and teachers of Colegio Latino Shiga, Paula Akiyama, Yone Kami Mura, Caio Kami Mura, Yayoi Hoiku, Rina Hirata, Naty Furuse, Honen-in Temple, all friends and supporters from all times!

Exhibition Shiga Museum of Art, January 2023. Curated by Ken Nakamori and Konyannale. Photo: Ken Nakamori

Exhibition Marutoshikaku Gallery, 21-22 January 2023. Curated by Ken Nakamori and Konyannale. Photo: Ken Nakamori
Exhibited at Shiga Museum of Art, January 2023. Curated by Ken Nakamori and Konyannale. Photo: Ken Nakamori
Exhibited at Marutoshikaku Gallery, 21-22 January 2023
Exhibition from 21-26 of November 2022
Vernissage: 20th of November, 2-6 pm
Location: yomumachiya/hohoho-za (〒605-0976 17−29Torin-cho, Sennyuji, Higashiyama-Ku, Kyoto